JUNE, 2021

Here we are, it is June already. Things have just been rolling along and we never seem to get writing the HERALD into our schedule. Let me try to bring you up to date.

Marilyn is in hospice here at home. She has difficulty getting her voice to be heard. She also is unable to use the keyboard or write legibly. So, you can figure this is Glen composing this edition of the HEAVILIN HERALD. I tell folks that Marilyn is the real voice, but she lets me carry her books.

You may notice in the pictures that Marilyn is always in her wheelchair. Since February, she has been unable to stand. That has changed our lives. Years ago, I purchased a Hoyer lift and had used it a about six times. Now I use it more than six times a day. Every transition from bed to wheelchair and from wheelchair to bed I use the lift. We are so fortunate that we can walk to our favorite restaurant. When there is snow or rain, we just bundle up and go. For medical appointments we use a non-emergency wheelchair transportation van. That has also enabled us to get to church and to hair and nails.

Marilyn’s books continue to be used in people’s lives. We have big stacks of the various books in our closet and as we meet people, we often give them a copy of a book. One evening as we came to our regular table at our favorite restaurant, a couple in a nearby booth waved and said “Hello.”  I said “Hi,” and we continued getting situated. One of the servers stopped and told Marilyn, “I’m almost finished with your book!” After we had finished our meal, I noticed that the couple in the booth were finishing, and they also were talking to that server who was reading Marilyn’s book. I thought “I can interject myself into that conversation.” I grabbed a copy of the book and stepped to the table. I put it on the table and said to the server “Tell these folks about this book.” The server said “It’s a wonderful book. I’m reading it. The author has written eight books.” The lady in the booth looked at the cover and said “Marilyn Heavilin, I’ve read a book by Marilyn Heavilin!” I said, “Roses in December?” She replied “Yes, I lost a child.” I said, “Let me bring Marilyn right over!” So even though they could only have a limited conversation, they held hands and the lady shared how the book had ministered to her.

Just a short time after that we were able to go to another of our favorite places. We had to book the trip on the non-emergency wheelchair transport van. It was worth it to see our friends. They welcomed Marilyn with a bouquet of flowers, a Mother’s Day card, and they even put a white tablecloth on the table. A lady in a nearby booth noticed our arrival and the fuss that was being made. I gave the lady a business card and said to her, “Yes, my wife is a famous lady. You can look her name up on the internet and see.” We enjoyed our meal and as we were preparing to leave, I looked to the lady and asked, “Did you check my wife’s name on the Internet?” She responded, “I have heard your wife speak and I even have a copy of “I’m Listening Lord.””

I am so thankful that Marilyn got to see these two ladies.


In Kansas, the Covid restrictions have been relaxed and we can see people’s faces again. Every day seems brighter with smiles. On Easter our family came over to a nearby grassy area and we had an Easter egg hunt for Naomi. While she was searching for eggs, I put one under my hat. With a little coaching she focused on my hat and I lifted it to reveal the egg. Naomi thought that was hilarious.




We have begun attending a different church. We are very pleased. We have been welcomed by the staff and by the Sunday School and by the congregation in general. We are not able to attend as much as we want, but the service is available live online and Sunday School is on Zoom. We have gotten to love the pastor and our Sunday School teacher, and we are pleased with our decision to change churches.

The pastor just finished a chapter-by-chapter series on the book of Genesis and now he is doing a quick look into the book of Daniel which will be followed by a study of the book of Revelation. His style reminds me of the old Bible study method:

What does it say

What does it mean

How does it apply to me

Here is a link so you can see his second message from Daniel:

Pastor Chad just opens the Bible and takes us along with him as we study together.


I tell folks “I don’t know if we have a day, or a week, or a month, or a year. We are going to live each day with Jesus.”

Blessings on you,


Glen and Marilyn

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