We’re in!

After two weeks we can actually see the walk-in closet.

God has been so good to us. He took care of things that we didn’t even think about such as the location of our apartment. Apparently we are located in a very lovely part of town, just a couple blocks from a major hospital, 15 minutes from the church, 12 minutes from Matt’s, near Walgreens Drugstore where we get all of our  prescriptions, and we were even assigned the handicapped parking spot in our wonderful parking garage.

We have bought several pieces of new furniture including a leather loveseat, and two TVs, a DVD player, four chairs with casters on them a secretary/desk for Marilyn, a desk for Glen and several bookcases.  We bought most of the furniture at Nebraska Furniture Mart, a store that was new to us, but for the miscellaneous stuff, we’re sure Target has rejoiced that we came to town. We think we should have stock in the store by now. We can’t help but wonder what in the world we planned to do with all the framed pictures . We wish we could have a garage sale here .we also would like to know what we did with some of the specific articles such as blankets, towels, rugs, toaster, and fry pans. We must have given them away, but after 11 years we can’t  remember. We still think there must be a box floating around someplace, but we have no clue as to its whereabouts.


Ken and Harriett Clark

Ken and Harriett Clark

We’ve already had visitors from California, and we loved it. Thank goodness they didn’t look at all the boxes stacked in the walk-in closet. We kept reminding ourselves that they came to see us, not where we lived.




Richard Jarmer

Richard Jarmer

We were extremely saddened by the sudden death of our dear friend Rich Jarmer. We knew him at Keswick and he and his wife Sue were volunteers for more than 30 years. We are completely confident that we will see him in heaven, but we miss him here right now. Our hearts and love go out to his wife Susan.




Our Apartment

Our Apartment

Our apartment is on the top floor, the balcony with the transom above the door. That’s us! We’re trying to get used to the rules in an apartment building. The sun really shone in during the early morning hours, but the rules said no window clings. So we hung a café curtain using a tension rod to block the sun but not to block the light. It works! The only thing we have found difficult is how to meet our neighbors. We are praying that God will give us an opportunity to meet them. And it is working. We have met several already. We have discovered some great eating places right across the street. Marilyn is having to force herself to prepare meals. It would be so easy just to go across the street and let them do the cooking all of the time.


KITCHEN AND STOVEHere is our kitchen: we have granite counters and beautiful cabinets. There is lots of storage, but Marilyn is so short she is having trouble  reaching many of the cabinets. We are still in the process of trying to arrange things so that she can reach them. This is an all electric building so Marilyn is getting used to cooking  on electricity again. She is acclimating quite quickly. We do have a cooktop range, a microwave and a refrigerator which are all stainless steel. If anyone has any suggestions on how to treat these appliances and the granite countertops, Marilyn would welcome any information.


Master Bath

Master Bath

We also have very nice bathrooms with walk-in showers and granite countertops.





Second Bathroom

Second Bathroom







Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom



Here’s a picture of the master bedroom.







Please pray for Marilyn that she will figure out a comfortable way to get out of bed. We are very sure  this sounds silly to you, but it is very important to us. This bed is about 6 inches higher than the bed in the rig. She has not been able to get out the normal way without falling or asking Glen to help her. Glen did figure out a way to back out, but it is still difficult for her. Her balance is so bad that this has become an issue for her. Also please pray that the doctor’s appointment on October 22 will reap many good things. Please pray that the doctor will be willing to dig until she finds a proper and correct diagnosis for Marilyn’s issues.

Also please pray for Marilyn’s sister-in-law. Her CA 125 continues to rise and is now over 8000. Karen is back in chemo therapy and plans to continue until sometime in November.


Nathan (red plaid) and the Attic Wolves

Nathan (red plaid) and the Attic Wolves

It is especially nice being near Matt. We haven’t seen him that much, but he is able to come when we call. We also get to see the grandchildren more frequently, and that is very nice.  We were able to see the Attic Wolves perform recently. Matt made sure we had seats and took very good care of us.


Thank you for your prayers for our health and safety.

Much love,

Glen and Marilyn

Sunrise from our Balcony in Overland Park, Kansas

Sunrise from our Balcony in Overland Park, Kansas


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One Response to OCTOBER, 2013

  1. Kay Derr says:

    Greetings Marilyn and Glen,

    Thank you so much for keeping me in the loop with your blog. I truly enjoy reading about the events in your life. It was a wonderful day, that day at CBA, when I first met you two. Many blessings as we pass this way in this side of life. God is good and He is altogether worthy of our praise!

    Much kindred love,

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